Table of Contents


This page should give you a brief overview about available variables and constants you can use in plugin or template development.

Global Variables


Holds the current action, see Action Modes. (reference)

:!: $ACT can also be an array instead of a string depending on when it is used. So if you compare it using a string comparison function (e.g. strcmp(), strncmp()) then you better make sure that it is not an array using !is_array($ACT). Otherwise the result may be undefined. :!:

:!: If you are handling an ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS event, use $event->data instead of $ACT.


The globally available $auth object represents an instance of the used authentication plugin, which inherites from AuthPlugin. (reference)


The globally available $conf array holds all of DokuWiki's configuration settings. In general it follows the following structure:

Normally you don't need to access this array directly. Both, Plugins and Templates have their own methods to accessing their respective configuration settings.



Holds the pagename of the currently rendered page. This page is usually the currently viewed page, but not necessarily - see the $INFO['id'] below. (reference)


This is an associative array, populated with information provided by inc/common.php function pageinfo().

Current elements are:

On $INFO array is an example array dumped.


An associative array which hold all translation strings of the interface, plugins and templates. (reference)


Holds the revision timestamp of the currently rendered page. This is '' (empty string) when the most current page is meant. (reference)


This variable is explicitly set by DokuWiki's authentication mechanism when a user logs in and holds the users name.

$userid = $INPUT->server->str('REMOTE_USER');


On save and preview this global variable holds the text submitted via the edit form. (reference)


This variable will, if populated, be used by tpl_toc() to build the TOC of a page. Normally this variable is empty and tpl_toc() builds the TOC from the page metadata. (reference)


An globally available associative array which hold some information of an authenticated user.

If logged out, or not logged in, this global is set to null.

(reference )

The array is filled in auth_setCookie() after login, or from existing session auth_login(). Or if the authentication plugin uses trustExternal(), it is already set there.


This array contained information that is passed to the JavaScript as global variable.

Read more:


Here follows a list of the most important constants.


The AUTH_<*> type constants represent the permission levels, as integer value, used in DokuWiki's ACL system. They can be used to let ACL checks for a given page/namespace look a little bit more verbose.

if (auth_quickaclcheck($ID) >= AUTH_READ) {
    // do sth.









The DOKU_<*> type constants hold information about various system information for DokuWiki's internal use.


The URL base of the DokuWiki install. (reference)


Or if canonical is set:


The URL base path to the DokuWiki install. (reference)



The absolute URL to the DokuWiki install. (reference)


The server side include path of the DokuWiki install. (reference)



The server side conf path of the DokuWiki install. (reference)



(deprecated) The URL base path to the current used template. (reference)


Or if canonical is set:<template>/

Note: this define is deprecated and should be replaced by call to tpl_basedir().


(deprecated) The server side include path of the current used template. (reference)


Note: this define is deprecated and should be replaced by call to tpl_incdir().


The server side include path of the plugins install. (reference)


Request Variables

Since 2012-09-10 “Adora Belle”, request variables are accessible through the Input class. For further information please have a look at request_vars.